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Saturday 30 June 2012

Happy Pride Weekend, Toronto

The rainbow flag is floating high over City Hall, even if the mayor did not attend the flag raising ceremony.

Have a safe and happy Pride weekend.

Wednesday 20 June 2012

Northern Griot, Urban Sharecropper: Part 3

My balcony garden is coming along quite nicely, even if my blogging has fallen behind. Although you cannot see it in these photos, there are tomatos, peppers, and even cucumbers developing. If I could grow an olive tree I would be able to create an entirely home grown Greek salad.

Saturday 9 June 2012

On Winning

Someone asked me recently whether it is better to win or to do your best. It's an old question, I know, but it never ceases to get me thinking. As usual, the original question led to a whole lot of additional questions:
  • Is it truly winning if you didn't do your best?
  • If you truly did your best, does it matter if you won?
  • If you lose and didn't try your best, is it worse than if you gave it your all but still wound up in last place?
  • Did you win if you were the Most Valuable Player on the last place team?
Everybody has to answer these questions for themselves. As for me, here's my take on winning:

The goal in life is to win honourably and elegantly.
If that's not possible, the goal is to win honourably.
If that's not possibly, you haven't really won.